Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Mom Vs Tween over Uggs

Right now my 13 year old daughter wants Uggs. She is obsessed with these trendy celebrity boots. We live in Austin, Texas where there is no need, use, or reason to wear a pair of Uggs. Some of her more compelling arguments include:

  • Everyone else has them at school
  • There is a girl at school who has three pairs
  • I am the only one who doesn't have a pair
My arguments against buying a 13 year old a pair Uggs include:
  • They are too expensive
  • Who do you think you are? A celebrity?
  • What will you do with them during Austin summers which pretty much last all year round?
  • I am X old and still don't have a pair of Uggs and I go skiing at least once a year.
Well. That last objection doesn't fly anymore. My boyfriend thought it would be fun to buy me a pair of Uggs while we were in Bozeman....during a snowstorm. We took a picture of them and sent them to my tween via text message. She proceeded to go off the deep end. It was fun to watch. I WISH I had saved the text message exchange that followed.


  1. Mom I also like uggs because they are CONFORTABLE and the girl has 4-5 pairs!

  2. What a fun blog! So glad you are doing this. Can't wait to hear more.

    I have to agree that Uggs are very comfortable. I so want to get a pair!

    Oh and I also see that your daughter posted an anonymous comment. Ah the perils of letting anonymous people comment on your blog. My son leaves anon comments all the time. Sometimes they are smart alecky and sometimes fun:)

    Can't wait to read more of your posts.

  3. Dear Tween Mom,
    I am also a mother of a 13 year old daughter, and we have been over the same issue. My daughter gave many other reasons why to get uggs. These included..... they are SUPER comforatable, they are really in fashon now, they do help during winter, but also in inside in the summer. I am, like most mothers on a budget, but i did end up getting the ugg boots for her. i have done a lot of research of uggs and i have found that although they are a quite high price, they do last for a long time and you can find them for as little as 70 dollars. I decided that my daughter doesn't ask for much so i should get them for her, but you can always buy your tween a cheep pair from target for 10 dollars. But having a tween myself, i feel your pain
